The Gang!

The Gang!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tithe Rap

Here's a little video that a friend from work sent me. It's a must see for anyone who needs a laugh, because I guarantee you'll laugh at it! Click on the title "Tithe Rap," and it will take you to You Tube to watch the video!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The First Annual Prodigals 99 Business Meeting!

I just wanted to send out a quick email about house church this coming Thursday. I am calling it the first Annual Prodigals 99 Business Meeting. Please be thinking of ways in which we can improve our weekly meetings and be prepared to share. Anything and everything is on the table for revision not limited to but including: meals, lesson time, prayer requests, discipleship, dividing up men and women, special Thursday nights where all we do is fellowship together or do nothing but prayer requests, taking weeks off, meeting for fun activities on the weekends...etc. I know there are certain weeks where we are lax in some of these areas and we are trying to find a way that works for everyone where all these portions of house church have the ample time that is needed. I apologize for not doing a better job over this last year in time management and I am hoping that we can fix some of these issues by having this "business meeting." Also, please bring any other suggestions for the "Out" portion of our house church as we are still undecided on what that will be and look like. I will be bringing a suggestion that was given to me by Scott Jester as a way to try and incorporate everyone's "out" desires. The idea is currently being done by another house church. Lastly, we have had a couple weeks to think about how we might like to spend the mission money ($1500) given to us this year by Grace. Please bring all ideas you have. The following Thursday, February 19, we will be having a vote of sorts to decide on the first mission we would like to help. There are people in our hosue church who we could support so please be praying specifically for these needs as I personally feel we need to support those we know and love. I do not feel it is right to try and support people we do not know when there are people in our "family" of Prodigals 99 that we could support. (Disclaimer: the previous message is the sole opinion of one David Abbott and does not necessarily represent the opinion of Prodigals 99 or this station...) See everyone Thursday and please, please come ready to share ideas

Grace & Peace